The masterplan that has been put forward by the local authorities to rejuvenate Oldham Town Centre has reached the Public consultation stage. This stage could, if successful, be followed by the appointment of potential developers and construction companies.
The ambitious plan to redevelop 21 acres of the town centre, separated into 5 different strategic and vital areas between now and 2035 have been put forward in order to transform Oldham in to a popular Shopping, nightlife and leisure location within the Greater Manchester Area.
The work could lead to 560 full time jobs being created while the work is being carried out as well as the 700 more operational jobs in the area. The plan looks to create new homes as well as new and refurbished commercial space in order to make sure that any developments go alongside work to support the residents of the town. There will also be improvements to schools and housing in order to make the development appeal to the residents of the local area. The work would see the development of 55,000 sq ft of employment space which could lead to as much as a £50 million a year boost to the local economy.
The masterplan looks at creating a new Civic Hub which would include the former Sports Centre in Oldham. This hub would create a public sector centre which would be more effective accommodation and cost sharing as well as generate more commercial office space in the town centre. The current location for the Civic Centre, Magistrates and Oldham Police Station are all raised as potential locations for a refurbished QE Hall that will feature a new hotel, offices and homes.
The Masterplan looks at a number of properties that are publicly owned and considered under used or even no longer fit for purpose such as the Tommyfield Market, the Civic Centre, the police station and the former sports centre. The development plan has also looked into the footfall patterns in the town to look at future challenges faced by housing, school places and other public services in order to make sure any plans to redevelop the town are successful.