GTC has revealed that they are progressing with their 18 most recent contract. These contracts are to carry out work on sites that have been freed up by the MOD. The released former Ministry of Defence space will now be used in order to build new homes. GTC have been awarded a contract which involves the utilities connections on more than 4,800 dual-fuel plots on behalf of Urban & Civic PLC.
The first contract that is being carried out is at the site of former RAF Alconbury which is in Cambridgeshire. It was revealed in March last year by the government’s Communities Secretary, that there is a target to build 1 million homes. One of the significant aspects of this aim is to make the most of the vast Brownfield sites around the country.
There is an intention to decrease the amount of estate that is owned by the MOD, and in the process lead to the creation of more homes. The size of the MOD estate is meant to be cut by 30%, and because of these cuts there should be enough scope to see 55,000 new homes built.
GTC has worked in the past delivering a range of different utilities to sites that used to be owned by the MOD. The company first took on a job of this nature in 2001. Connections have also been made on development sites that were being run by Bellway Homes, Bovis Homes, Crest Nicholson, Granger and Taylor Wimpey to name just a few. It is thought that GTC is more than up to the task for these upcoming projects as they have already successfully connected more than 15,000 homes that are sitting on former MOD land in locations such as Aldershot, Rendlesham, Nottingham and Chester.
When the Alconbury development tis complete there will be three new primary schools created for the area as well as a new secondary school, health centre and community centres. The site has also been designed with footpaths and cycleways, open space and sports pitches and an enterprise zone which will have office space for a number of different startup businesses, as well as manufacturing, engineering and low-carbon businesses.