London students at the Bartlett School of Architecture will be very pleased to hear about the implementation of a brand new HP printer, and not just any brand new HP printer. In fact, now with the huge PageWide XL 5000 press situated in the library, a grand total of 1020 different people comprising of both staff and students will be able to benefit from this colossal new implementation.
As IT boss Yusah Hamuth explains, the demand for a quicker printing facilities escalates incredibly quickly especially during the assessment and examination period of the student year. It is hoped that the new press will be able to cope with the staggering demand from students as compared to previous designs used by the faculty which many students would have felt might have retarded them from being able to submit their work on time. Available for 14 hours a day from 8.30 AM, the new press should prove to be a popular new tool for students at the London college and will be able to complement and perhaps ease off the pressure put on other students placed around the campus.
Having been released since the year 2015, the HP XL 5000 is well adapted to the pressures of technical print and has the ability to produce extremely complicated documents at a rate reaching the extremities of 14 D/A1 paper pages per single minute. The hope of the IT departments and of the other students is that the printer will be able to live up to the expectations that it has engendered around the campus due to its size, efficiency and relatively recent release. Perhaps the case will be that sales of products of this kind will prove to be more popular across campuses all over the country and indeed the rest of the world to ensure that students are given the best methods of equipment available to aid them in their research.