Voigt Partnership win Ninewells Hospital garden room comp Arbroath based architectural practice The Voigt Partnership has won a national design competition to create a garden room…
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Ashby tells small landlords to notify HCA of difficulties Smaller housing associations have been told to notify HCA the regulator immediately if they think they cannot…
Union vows to protect social housing pensions Britain’s biggest trade union has warned housing associations “not to underestimate its determination” to protect staff pensions, following the…
Refurbishment contract ruling boost for landlords Social landlords could make significant savings on refurbishment works, following a ‘landmark’ legal ruling freeing them to enter into more…
Last chance to take part in Innovation Index Inside Housing’s innovation research survey to find the landlords with the most creative organisational cultures closes at the…
£2.2m life sciences build opens at Inverness Campus Highlands and Islands Enterprise has opened the doors to a £2.2m BREEAM Excellent rated life sciences facility at…