Hundreds of tenants are to save money on their bills with energy-saving upgrades set to be installed in houses across North Yorkshire.
North Yorkshire Council is ready to roll out improvements at 150 socially-rented homes in the latest phase of a scheme to tackle properties which are worst affected by problems such as poor-quality insulation and ineffective heating systems.
Many of the properties identified for the upgrade are in rural areas where homes are often older and have poor insulation – including in villages around Harrogate, Selby and Richmond.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for climate change, Cllr Greg White, said: “Improving the energy efficiency of homes across the county is vital for protecting the environment and alleviating pressure on residents during this cost of living crisis.
“I’m sure that the planned improvements, which follow comprehensive retrofit surveys carried out at the identified addresses, will make a significant benefit to our communities.”
The decarbonisation drive reinforces the council’s ambition to be the UK’s first carbon negative region by 2040.
The commitment to providing warm, energy-efficient homes has been welcomed by both residents and industry experts – with the council named local authority of the year at the national Energy Efficiency Awards 2024.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for housing, Cllr Simon Myers, said: “We are carrying out a lot of work to upgrade homes across the county and make sure they are as energy efficient as possible.
“It’s great to hear feedback from residents talking about how these upgrades are having a significant and positive impact on their day-to-day lives. I hope these latest wave of improvements continue to maintain that positive momentum.”

Sustainability experts at Align Property Partners, the council’s multi-disciplinary building design consultancy, have improved the energy efficiency of hundreds of homes across the county and will be working alongside the authority to support the rollout.
The upgrades have been boosted in part by the latest wave of the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF), with the council receiving £1.7 million in funding in March.
To be selected for the funding, the council showcased retrofit projects where some of North Yorkshire’s worst-performing homes had been successfully upgraded to help tackle fuel poverty as well as providing residents with the opportunity to save money from their energy bills.
Tenant Barbara Rickards lives in a small village near Harrogate and recently saw her home fitted with a range of eco-friendly upgrades including an energy-efficient heating system.

She said: “Since the retrofit there has been a significant difference in my home. I have heating and hot water all the time, and I don’t have to struggle with coal or cleaning the fire out.
“The whole experience has made my life a lot easier with more space less cleaning and saving money – which makes me happy.”
The authority’s commitment to drive down carbon emissions saw them crowned local authority of the year at the 2024 Energy Efficiency Awards, which was held in Birmingham.

Align also swept to success by winning social responsibility company of the year and finished second in the national energy consultancy of the year category.
The managing director at Align, Ron Walton, said: “We are passionate about sustainability, and through our work with North Yorkshire Council, we have provided hundreds of residents, businesses and other organisations with vital energy-saving solutions.
“We want to be the property consultant of choice, spearheading net zero transformation, and this national recognition for Align and our colleagues at the council highlight how we are making a real and tangible difference to our communities in North Yorkshire.”
More information about support or advice to keep homes warm and energy bills low is available on North Yorkshire Council’s website at