Businesses need to be mindful of their energy expenditure all year round. Being conscious of usage is vital, whatever the weather, helping to keep bills down and maintain an environmentally friendly image. We’re in the midst of an energy crisis and most businesses don’t last even 10 years, so seasonal energy efficiency should be a fixture on every SME owner’s priority list.
This article will explore ways businesses can save energy and be more efficient all year round, focusing primarily on summer and winter.
General business energy efficiency tips
Before getting into the nitty gritty of specific seasonal energy efficiency, it’s important to understand some all-season energy efficiency tips. These can be your guide whether the office windows are open or frosted over.
- Get a smart meter. Smart meters are an essential tool for business energy conservation, making it clear how much is being used and charged for in real-time.
- Practice hybrid/remote working. With fewer people in the office, less energy will be expended in the workplace, enhancing efficiency.
- Using efficient appliances. If possible, choose to install HVAC systems with good Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios and low-usage lighting.
- Proper insulation. Insulation is essential from winter to summer, helping to maintain the optimum temperature inside whether warming up or cooling down.
- Make sure you’re on the best tariff. You should always be seeking out the best deals for your energy tariff, whether using gas, traditional electricity or wind power. (Renewable energy sources are inherently more efficient)
These are techniques that should be applied throughout operations, whatever time of year.
Summer energy efficiency tips
Many might not consider summer an active time for excessive energy consumption, however, the heat of summer can encourage more use of fans, coolers, air conditioners and maybe even ice machines. Staying cool and comfortable is essential, so you have to find different ways to save energy.
Some strong summer efficiency tips include:
- Replacing your air filters. Cleaning and replacing the air filters in the HVAC systems is an essential part of ensuring that they run more efficiently.
- Unplug all out-of-use devices. This might sound a little obvious but it can make a huge difference and is something many people disregard.
- Using water efficiently. Make sure to treat kettle boilings and dishwasher cycles with care to ensure that minimal water-related energy is wasted.
- Keeping hot air out. Keep the windows closed! It feels natural but keeping the windows shut will help the air conditioner work more efficiently.
Winter energy efficiency tips
This is the period that most businesses will expend more energy, with heating being a significant cost for most workplaces. Warm, comfortable office dwellings are essential for keeping employees productive and healthy.
Vital winter tips to remember include:
- Setting temperature controls to match occupancy. With smart thermostat technology, offices can tailor heating requirements to the occupancy of the space.
- See how low you can go. While warmth is important, there’s no need for the office to be fireplace cosy – find the lowest comfortable temperature and maintain it.
- Keep draughts at bay. Keep doors shut for as long as possible, don’t open windows or blinds and do some basic draught-proofing with stripping solutions.
- Leave space for radiators/heaters. Clearing out the space surrounding the radiators and heaters allows them to spread heat more effectively.
Seasonal efficiency starts with the supplier
Remember, the base of seasonal energy efficiency is the supplier that you choose to work with. With a better tariff or renewable energy options, you’ll find it much easier to operate efficiently all year round. Make sure to do plenty of research to find the best deal for your needs!