Savvy Couple Saves Over £13,000 Renovating Their Kitchen Using DIY Tips from TikTok

A thrifty couple from Gateshead, Jess and Connor, both 29 years old, managed to save a whopping £13,000 by taking on the challenge of renovating their kitchen themselves, relying on DIY tips and tricks they found on social media.

Originally, the couple received quotes of around £15,000 to have their kitchen professionally redone. However, they decided to opt for a more cost-effective approach.

Turning to platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest for inspiration and guidance, Jess and Connor embarked on the renovation journey themselves. The result is a transformed kitchen that cost them just over £1,500, including the purchase of some new appliances.

Jess explained their decision: “We weren’t planning on doing the kitchen ourselves originally. After getting quotes for three or four different places, all around the £15,000 mark, we decided that we couldn’t justify those costs for such a small space, and decided we’d have a go at doing it ourselves.”

The couple’s old kitchen featured uninspiring white cabinetry, grey tiled flooring, and slightly dated silver hardware. Their DIY makeover included fitting a second-hand Smeg fridge for £430, installing worktops from IKEA, laying a new solid oak floor from B&Q, and incorporating a black sink from IKEA.

They also gave their cupboards a fresh look by painting them in a stylish forest green and refreshed the tiles using antique white tile paint. Completing the transformation, they added gold hardware, including a Wodar boiling water tap, to complement the green cupboards.

Jess highlighted the most impactful changes: “I think the kitchen as a whole has transformed massively, but I would say the things that have made the most difference were actually the cheapest things to do. Painting both the kitchen tiles and cupboards has completely changed the look of this space.”

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Her top tips for aspiring DIY renovators are to have a clear vision of what you want from your space and to invest time in prep work, even though it can be time-consuming, as it significantly improves the final finish and durability of the renovations.

Describing their style, Jess said, “[It’s] a real mix of things. We take a lot of inspiration from 70’s earthy colour palettes and love natural materials such as wood. We like to mix these with more contemporary fixtures and fittings to create a put-together unified space.”

Cost Breakdown:

  • Kitchen cupboard paints: £45
  • Kitchen tile paint (3 tins): £68.97
  • Primer for cupboards (1 tin): £20
  • Worktops (IKEA Vrena): £300
  • Solid Oak flooring (B&Q): £230.40
  • Handles (Amazon, 2 boxes): £30
  • Tile trim (B&Q): £12
  • Smeg fridge freezer (second hand): £430
  • Wodar boiling water tap: £300
  • Black Sink (IKEA circular hub): £65

Total Cost: £1,501.37