Landlords across the UK are facing mounting pressure to comply with new Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) standards, due to take effect by 2030. Under the government’s…
Browsing: landlords
Landlords across the UK are facing mounting challenges as they work towards meeting the government’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulations, set to be enforced by 2030.…
In recent years, the traditional approach to renting has been disrupted by new trends that are reshaping the rental market. More and more landlords are opting…
Commercial property landlords have been warned of the difficulties they can face when trying to take back possession from a tenant, and urged to seek legal…
Rising concern over mould and damp in rental properties is a real issue which wetter UK weather is only making worse – as the last 18…
Landlords are being urged to add electric charging points to their properties ahead of government plans – to help boost income and desirability. Home and car…
Landlords in the private sector are to be given free advice in a series of courses which start this month and are aimed at improving the…
How Tenants Can Avoid Conflicts With Landlords by Taking Care of Rental Property Key Points: Damaging floors or choosing heavy, scratch-prone furniture can lead to fines…
While nearly half of UK landlords (41%)¹ have attempted DIY repairs, a significant portion (35%) regret their decision mainly because they failed to resolve the issue – about four in…
Labour’s 2024 Election Victory: What impact will a labour government have on landlords? Following Labour’s win in the 2024 general election, the UK rental market is…